November Church Benefice newsletter


Thursday November 3rd WI AGM – no speaker.

Thursday December 1st Christmas meeting organised by the committee.

Saturday November 12th PCC Quiz – tickets £9 and details from Mary on 770242.

Wednesday 30th November 100 draw in the Plough at 8.30pm.

Saturday 17th December Village Hall Christmas Party.



  • Pilates class continues to meet on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings; details from Tina email –
  • 100 Club September winners – 1st Debbie Power – 68; 2nd Harry Ashcroft – 14; 3rd Samuel Davidson – 91.
  • Food bank – thank you to all who donated so generously this month. Eight boxes/bags of gifts were left in the Church or at 14 Main Street and will be delivered shortly. Anyone giving Christmas items, please remember nothing containing alcohol.



  • Following the death of John Nicholls – long serving member of St John’s congregation, churchwarden, choir member, Tower Captain, and member of the PCC until his death – the local ringers rang a Quarter Peal in memory and honour of John on 11th He is much missed at St John’s; he was also an expert flower arranger who always decorated a window for festivals often with flower and produce from his allotment.
  • Would anyone like to decorate ‘his’ window for Christmas? If so, please contact Mary on 770242.
  • The Christmas Service of Readings and Carols will be held on 18th December at 4pm; some new readers would be welcome and suggestions for carols – please let Mary know.
  • The Harvest sale following the service raised £115.00 which was sent to the Addington Fund. Many thanks to all who gave and decorated so beautifully; also, thanks to the children who helped with the service.
  • Remembrance Sunday – service at 10.50am to include 2 minutes silence. The open collection will go to the Poppy Appeal.
  • Grass cutting – thanks to the mowing team who have kept the churchyard and hall green so neat and tidy; there is a request to all dogwalkers to clear up after their dog as this is a health hazard to both mowers and children playing.

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