Clubs and Societies

Festival of Britain Pageant 1951


Time: Contact Tina

Location: Caldecott Village Hall

Contact: Tina on 07903 170943, 

or email:



The WI

Learn new skills and take part in a variety of activities. 

Time: First Thursday of every month, 7.30pm

Location: Caldecott Village Hall

Contact: Jenny on 01536 770937



Whist Drive

Time: Third Saturday of the month at 7.30pm 

(check benefice newsletter for changes).

Location: Caldecott Village Hall

Contact: June 01536 770046



Bell Ringing

Newcomers welcome; those interested are invited to come along and watch.

Time: Meeting every third Monday 7.30 – 9pm 

Location: Caldecott Church in rota with other towers

Contact: Brian 01536 771153 or Mary 01536 770242



Good Companions

A social gathering for the over 60’s.

Time: Thursday afternoon 2 – 4pm

Location: Caldecott Village Hall

Contact: June on 01536 770046



History Society

Meeting around four times a year for talks and outings. See notice board, facebook and benefice newsletter for dates and details.

Contact: Andrew on 01536 770242, or email



100 Club

A monthly draw and social event. £5 provides five monthly chances to win three cash prizes. 

Raising funds for the Village Hall and Church.

Time: Last Wednesday of every month at 8.30pm

Location: The Plough Inn

Contact: June 01536 770046

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