February Church Benefice Newsletter


Thursday 2nd February at 7.30pm: WI talk ‘Life aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia’.

March 2nd at  7.30pm: WI talk ‘The history of the High Sheriff of Rutland and the future of agriculture’. Visitors and new members are always welcome to attend.

Tuesday 21st February:  WI annual pancake race and coffee morning – time to be arranged.

Wednesday 22nd February at 8.30pm: 100 Club draw in The Plough. There are still some tickets available – please contact Judy on 770251.



Safari Supper: it has been suggested that we may hold a Safari Supper this year, after a few year’s rest, perhaps in May. In the past this popular event was well attended; 4 venues for 4 courses are needed and we have lost some volunteers due to moves away. Anyone interested in hosting a course please contact Mary on 770242.

Flower rota: we have one new volunteer for the flower rota following the splendid display at Christmas; any other offers to help on that rota or with cleaning would be most welcome. It is not too arduous, particularly if there are a few more helpers on the list.

Food bank: thank you to all who have donated; we continued to deliver to the collection point monthly. Any items to be left in the Church or at 14 Main Street please.

Marmalade is for sale in Church in aid of Church funds. The price is now £2.00 a jar to cover increased costs – an absolute bargain as it is delicious.



Community speed watch:

Would you like to help tackle speeding through our Village?

Caldecott Parish Council have secured a 2-week Community Speed Watch session to take place in May or June, 2023.

We need around 12 volunteers to share the sessions (there will be 1 a day for around 1 hour at a time). Volunteers will work in teams of 3; one person to hold the speed gun, one to memorise the registration and one to write down the details. Volunteers will undertake CSW training, delivered by Rutland County Council and the Police, which will take place in the Village Hall nearer to the date.

If you could help out with this important exercise, please get in touch with Lesley or Justina to register your interest: Lesley McCole (CSW lead), telephone 07745 369075, email nittpitt@googlemail.com, Justina Medwell (Parish Council Clerk), email clerk.caldecott@gmail.com


Dog fouling notice:

The issue of dog fouling has been highlighted once more in the Village Playpark annual inspection.

Please ensure you pick up after your dog in playground, and in other areas around the village. We understand that during the dark evenings, it may be easier to miss your dog fouling, please ensure you watch them closely and pick up their mess.

Volunteers will start to mark dog mess areas with specialise spray paint to highlight the problem. We ask that Villagers are vigilant and report any repeat offenders to the Parish Council via the Parish Clerk, email: clerk.caldecott@gmail.com

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