Thursday 2nd March WI talk on ‘The High Sheriff of Rutland and the future of Agriculture’, 6th April talk on ‘Ants to Elephants’. Visitors and new members always welcome -7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Thursday 9th March Parish Council Meeting – residents are welcome to attend at 7.30pm in the Hall.
Wednesday 29th March – 100 club in The Plough Inn, draw to take place at 8.30pm.
Pancake Race
The annual pancake race took place on Shrove Tuesday with a good turnout of over 30 of all ages.
Winners: ladies – Jane Kendrick; men – Rob Personi; children – Monty Kendrick.
The champion at tossing was of course Dene Hawkins with over 100. Prizes were awarded by Gene Power and all enjoyed the refreshments and raffle afterwards. Thanks to the WI for arranging this amusing event.
Food Bank
Two large bags of donations were delivered to the pick up point this month – thanks for generosity; please continue to leave gifts in Church or at 14 Main St.
Fete – the first planning Meeting for this year’s fete will be on Monday 13th March at 7.30pm in the Hall; please come along with ideas and offers of help or if unable to attend let June (770046) or Mary (770242) have your thoughts on attractions.
100 Club
Winners for February: 1st Trevor Burbage no 88; 2nd Sam Sanders no 10; 3rd Maggie Garrett no 39.
Annual Spring Clean
The annual Church spring clean inside and outside is planned for Saturday April 1st at 10 am – all welcome, lots to do and some sitting down jobs available, refreshments will be served.
Safari Supper
Last month’s appeal put itself with Seaton and Thorpe by Water’s news so you may have missed it; it has been suggested we have a Safari Supper after a few years rest, possibly in May. We have offers to host courses 1 and 4 also an offer to do the ‘main’ or ‘pudding’ so could anyone else do the main or pudding? The Church could be used as a venue if wished. Please contact Mary on 770242 if you would like to help.
This will fall on Saturday May 6th. Bells will be rung at some stage over the weekend. Please see yellow leaflet in the Parish newsletter for details of recruitment as there is a national intention to ring in all towers for the celebration. A village party is planned for Sunday 7th May – details to follow.