- Thursday 6th January Pilates resumes on Mondays 7.30-8.30pm and Thursdays 9.45am-10.45am.
- Good Companions Thursdays at 2-4pm.
- WI gathering of members – no speaker; then 1st Thursday of each month at 7.30pm.
- The Carol service was well attended; the 3 helpers who had enthusiastically decorated the Tree and Crib enjoyed the activities helped by Samantha.
- The open collection for the Rainbows Children’s Hospice raised £55. Thanks to all who decorated and helped with refreshments.
- The Christmas Day Service was also well attended; we were pleased to welcome Jill Cannings, reader, for the Service of Communion by extension and all enjoyed the descants for the carols provided by visitors.
- The Hall and Green lights were switched on on 11th December and have continued to cheer the long evenings as have other imaginative lights around the village. The party which followed was much enjoyed by all ages and included a lively rendering of ’12 Days of Christmas’ and other songs-music provided by Anthea and Daniel-many thanks.
- Fete committee – 100 club Draw December :-1st-Marion Graveson,8; 2nd-John Bruce,43; 3rd Robert Sharman, 70. The next draw will be at the end of February.
- Christmas Hamper Raffle-1st Alex Parker, 2nd Joyce Dunn,3rd Jenny Betts, 4th Edyth Fisher, 5th Joseph Gower-thanks to all who gave items and sold tickets. The Hampers looked very festive.
- The foodbank was not forgotten, and several boxes were left at the pick up point just before Christmas. This is done monthly, and any donations may be left in the Church or at 14 Main St.