Welland Rivers Trust have approached Caldecott Parish Council to ask if any Residents would like to become a local River Warden or get involved in river monitoring and conservation. They have several opportunities to get involved:
1. Become a River Warden – Welland Rivers Trust train and equip you to monitor physical, biological and chemical aspects of your stetch of the river. We do this through two citizen science projects, Freshwater watch and Riverfly survey, check out the links below to give you a better idea. The Welland Rivers Trust also hosts a Tea Break meeting on a bi-monthly basis with River Wardens to provide support and build their community. For more information see:
2. Join one of the Welland River Trust Steering Groups – these groups of people that meet on a monthly basis to share knowledge, develop ideas and support each other to deliver water focused projects in their local area. The Welland Rivers Trust hosts the meeting and helps co-develop community-led projects that aim to benefit the local wildlife and residents. Check out the latest community project with the residents of Lubenham http://www.wellandriverstrust.org.uk/welland-headwaters…/.
3. Become a River Guardian by doing both of the above!
For more information or to register your interest, please get in touch with Perry Burns at Welland Rivers Trust on email: perry@wellandriverstrust.org.uk