Caldecott Parish Council has two vacancies and we are looking for residents of Caldecott aged 18 or over, who have lived or worked within 3 miles of Caldecott for over a year. If you fit the bill and would like to contribute to making Caldecott a vibrant and cohesive community then why not consider becoming a parish councillor?
The village needs active, committed people to co-opt into these vacancies and become part of the Parish Council team.
As elected members of the community the Parish Council seeks to represent residents of Caldecott in matters such as:
• Maintenance of the roads, lighting, footpaths and the street scene generally.
• Commenting on planning applications and ensuring that requirements of the conservation area are respected.
• Doing what we can to protect the unique characteristics of our lovely village and the Welland Valley in which it sits.
• Ensuring that our few village amenities are maintained and developed to best support our community.
We have seven seats on the Council, which meets (currently) on a Thursday evening every other month to consider issues and make decisions. Councillors are volunteers; training is provided and we are supported by the Parish Clerk, which is a paid position.
We are seeking active and committed villagers who are able to spend approx. 6 hours per month on parish council activities, including meetings and getting involved with new projects around the village.
Councillors need to be IT competent and have facilities to access emails and documents sent to them electronically. We currently have an energetic and forward-thinking team on our parish council – please consider joining us and making a real difference to your community.
If you would like to discuss this further, or to apply, please contact Justina Medwell, Parish Clerk at or 07813 696387 or Andrew MacDermott , Chair at We look forward to hearing from you.

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