Pinfold Park QR Fundraising

Fundraising at Pinfold Park

Fundraising at Pinfold Park


In Caldecott we are proud to have a lovely playpark that proves popular with visitors. However, with use comes wear and tear, so throughout 2023, we are inviting those who enjoy using the facility to donate to a GoFundMe maintenance fund.

Pinfold Park was built and opened in 2019 with a huge fundraising effort by the local community and a grant from the FCC Communities Foundation. Ongoing maintenance is funded solely by the Caldecott community and Parish Council – we receive no external local authority or government funding.

The GoFundMe campaign will run until autumn/winter 2023 and is publicised on signs dotted throughout the park. Visitors can scan the QR code which takes them directly to the fundraising website page to donate:

Link to the GoFundMe page.


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