2ND Caldecott Ladies Group – 7.30pm in the hall – talk on postage stamps, visitors welcome.
4th at 7.30pm in the hall – Fashion Show – £5 a ticket from June on 770046 details on village hall notice board.
9th Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the hall. Residents may attend to discuss issues of concern.
11th Quiz in aid of church funds, 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start. Tables of up to 6 or join others on the night. Tickets £10 from Mary on 770242 to include soup and delicious puddings. BYO drinks, glasses and nibbles.
12th Remembrance Sunday service – starts at 10.50am to include a 2 minute silence at 11am. The open collection will go to the Poppy Fund.
25th 10am – 4pm Craft Fair in the hall – details on notice board.
100 CLUB
100 club draw-winners for October: 1st no 3 Joseph Gower; 2nd no 38 Daniel Griggs; 3rd no 48 Liz Gray. The November draw will be on 29th November at 8.30pm in The Plough.
This service was well attended and 3 children welcomed. The weird animal competition was bravely judged by Barbara and Bob – winners were Rafe and Evie but it was a difficult decision. The children carried gifts to the altar and Wilf and Rafe took the collection.
Thanks to all who gave and decorated the church and generously bought produce in aid of the Addington Fund which helps farmers and their families who are facing difficulties. £110.00 will be sent to the fund.
We continue to deliver monthly to the pick up point-please leave any donations in the church or at 14 Main St.
Following a meeting between the Parish Council, residents and MP Alicia Kearns, it has been announced that Rutland District Council will conduct an initial survey to reassess the Caldecott bypass/relief road project. For more information, see the news post or Rutland Times 26th November.
Please remember to pick up after your dogs in all public areas of the village.