Friday JUNE 3rd – coffee morning in aid of the Play Park; Village Hall 10-12am.
Saturday 4th Street Party for Jubilee from 12noon -6pm; flyers have been delivered to all houses and posters are up with details of events. Bells will be rung at 10am.
Wednesday 8th Fete Meeting at 7.30pm. All volunteers and new ideas welcome. This is an important planning meeting.
Thursday 9th at 7.30pm WI-non- committee members’ meeting.
Wednesday 29th at 8.30pm in the Plough-100 club draw.
JULY – Saturday 2nd Fete-flyer enclosed
Thursday 7th at 7.30pm ‘Life of Marylin Monroe.
FETE – items are needed for the ‘Grannies Attic’ stall; also prizes for the raffle and tombola would be very welcome. Please leave at 35 or 14 Main St or ring for collection-770046 or 770242 AFTER THE JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS.
Marmalade is for sale in church in aid of church funds.
THE JUBILEE APPLE TREE kindly donated by the Council has been planted on the ‘phone box’ green and is growing well; no apples this year but watch this space.