- Saturday 2nd – annual FETE 2-5pm.
- Thursday 7th – WI at 7.30pm Talk on Marilyn Monroe; visitors welcome-no meeting in August.
- Tuesday 12th – at 7.30 pm Village Hall AGM followed by an ordinary meeting.
- Tuesday 19th – at 7.30pm Fete meeting to discuss this year’s event and fix a date for 20223. Feedback welcome.
- Thursday 21st at 7.30pm Parish Council meeting. Residents may attend to bring up matters of concern. There are two vacancies to be filled, interested parties should contact the clerk – details on the noticeboards.
- Pre-Jubilee Coffee Morning – this took place on 3rd June with delicious cakes and a raffle. The £200 raised will be used for village improvements. Thanks to Lesley and helpers.
- PLATINUM JUBILEE – as advertised it was a ‘Right Royal Do’ attended by well over half the households in Caldecott; bells were rung, races were run, cakes were baked, competitions took place, houses were decorated, songs were sung, and dances were danced. BBQ and picnics were consumed, and it all ended with a group photograph and unveiling of the plaque on the apple tree. Many thanks to the Village Hall Committee and Parish Council who organised this joyful event and special thanks to Anthea and Daniel for their music.
- The longstanding tradition of ‘Tug of War’ against Rockingham took place on 5th at Rockingham Village Hall with a win for Rockingham’s ladies and Caldecott’s men. It is thought the first time this took place was for the Silver Jubilee in 1977.
- Flag – thanks to the WI for the smart new flag which flew; also, thanks to Rachel and Dan for the decorated phone box – it is hoped the Queen made her call successfully.
- The roof repair is finished and paid for thanks to generous local donations and Grants from the Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust, The John Pattson Trust, The Francis Coales Charitable Foundation and the All churches Trust so all are thanked. Some photographs will be added to the ‘Spire’ album in the church for all to see.
- The bells were repaired with the help of a Grant from the Hickinbotham Trust; new ringers have been practicing and were able to ring for the jubilee helping to attain the target of all Rutland bells ringing out in celebration.
- 100 club for May: -1st Glenis Albrighton no 108; 2nd John Bruce no 43; 3rd Charlie Pykett no 9.
- Foodbank – donations may be left in church or at 14 Main Street-many families are struggling with the cost of living rise so please help if you can.
- GARDEN EVENING at Fernleigh House – this annual event is planned for Wednesday 20th July starting at 6pm. BYO drinks and nibbles. There will be a Bring and Buy stall, raffle, the ever-popular whiskey bottle competition, croquet, boules etc.