Highway News

Following a meeting between Caldecott Parish Council and MP for Melton and Rutland, Rutland County Council have confirmed that an independent highways expert will conduct a study to reassess the Caldecott bypass/relief road project in six months time.
On 4th August 2023 Caldecott Parish Council and residents met with Alicia Kearns MP in the Village for two hours and discussed road issues, HGVs, crossings, speeding, building damage, pedestrian risks and ultimately the need for a bypass or relief road.
Following the meeting, Alicia Kearns MP’s office confirmed several action points including investigating a chicane, speed signage, crossing rules, night time restrictions, the required width of an A road and downgrading to B road. They also confirmed she would ask Highways to come to Parliament to discuss the issue, write to RCC to arrange a meeting with residents and the Parish Council and would ask for a feasibility study for the relief road.
On 20th October it was announced that Rutland County Council will be will be assessing previous work on the relief road project, the current usage of the road, its classification and the impact of proposed growth in the surrounding area. Alicia Kearns MP announced the following on social media:
Caldecott bypass

Alicia Kearns on Facebook

I am very pleased to share that Rutland County Council has confirmed they will conduct a study to reassess the Caldecott relief road project after I raised it with them on behalf of the village.
Having previously met with Caldecott residents to discuss their concerns, I know that incidents of HGVs speeding through the village and causing damage to properties is a big problem here.
HGVs often use Caldecott as a cut through to access the A47, which can be incredibly frustrating and worrying for residents. Not only is this a serious safety issue, but HGVs speeding through Caldecott have also caused significant damage to residents’ homes.
RCC previously had funding allocated for a relief road project for Caldecott, however the 2007/8 financial crisis meant it was unable to go ahead.
RCC will be assessing previous work on the relief road project, the current usage of the road, its classification and the impact of proposed growth in the surrounding area.
Ensuring the safety of our roads across our rural communities remains a key priority for me, and it is great news that Rutland County Council has listened to the strength of voices in our communities, and will be reassessing the possibility of a relief road here

This was also covered within the media and a letter sent to residents dated 27th October:


Letter from Alicia Kearns MP

For more information on the campaign for a Caldecott bypass please see our bypass/relief road page.

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