- Dec 4th Coffee Morning Village Hall in aid of Play Park and Church 10am—12noon.
- Saturday 11th – at 5pm onwards Village Hall and Green lights will be switched on followed by convivial ‘get together’ mulled wine, mince pies and shortbread will be served; BYO other drinks, nibbles and glasses. Music by Anthea and Daniel.
- Wed 15th – 100 Club and Christmas Hamper Draw at 8pm in the Plough.
- Sat 18th Church decorating at 10am children of all ages welcome. Please come and help with the Crib and Tree.
- The Remembrance Service was on 14th November when the Last Post and Reveille were played and the 2 minutes silence observed. The open collection of £135 will be sent to the Poppy Appeal.
- Christmas Services – please see the separate leaflet. The Carol Service will be on 19th at 4pm when it is hoped some input from children will be included. The tree and Crib will be put up on Saturday 18th at 10am-this is much more fun with lots of helpers.
- Roof Appeal – thank you for the generous donations; the fund is growing and it is planned to do the work in April to suit the bats.
- We have also had a donation towards the Bell repairs so hope to do that in the spring too; practices are usually on a 3 week rotation in the Benefice so if you hear us and are interested in learning please come and see.
- 100 club draw for November:- 1-Hazel Pitt 63, 2-Angela Hudson 97, 3-Denis Owens 64.
- Foodbank – thanks for donations which are taken to the collection point monthly-please leave in Church or at 14 Main St.
- Calling all dog walkers – please clear up after your dog. Great distress has been caused recently by dog mess left on the green and footpaths; the dark evenings make this most unpleasant; it is a health hazard to children playing and our wonderful volunteer mowers, one of whom is threatening to give up.
- Back in April 2021, RCC asked local people what they valued most about life in Rutland. By having this conversation and hearing from a wide range of issues, they want to develop a new shared vision for the future of our county – a set of long term goals based on the things people said were most important for them. After hearing from more than 2,000 people, a ‘Draft Future Rutland Vision’ has been produced that describes the kind of place people say they want to live in. The Draft Future Vision is available to view online at: If you do not have access to the Internet, please call RCC direct for a copy
- The High Sheriff is inviting anyone on their own in the village to a Christmas lunch in December, it’s not guaranteed, but based on numbers. This will be held in the pavilion on the Rutland Showground on Wednesday 22nd December and will be able to give up to 140 people a free Christmas meal. Those who are interested should get in touch with the High Sheriff via email