Community Speed Watch
Caldecott Parish Council have secured a two-week Community Speed Watch to take place in May or June, 2023.
We need around twelve volunteers to share the sessions (there will be one a day for around an hour at a time). Volunteers will work in teams of three; one person to hold the speed gun, one to memorise the registration and one to write down the details.
Volunteers will undertake CSW training, delivered by Rutland County Council and the Police, which will take place in the Village Hall nearer to the date.
If you could help with this important project, please get in touch with Lesley or Justina to register your interest:
Lesley McCole (CSW lead), telephone 07745 369075, email nittpitt@googlemail.com
Justina Medwell (Parish Council Clerk), email clerk.caldecott@gmail.com