April Church and Village News

Change to the Church Benefice newsletter:

From April 2023, the church benefice newsletter can be found online on the ‘A Church Near You’ website

This will be updated monthly with a new PDF newsletter to view:




Thursday April 6th – Ladies Group (formerly WI) talk on ‘Ants and Elephants at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Visitors welcome.

Wednesday 26th-100 Club Draw in Plough at 8.30pm.

Cheese and Wine Night in aid of the play park-7-11pm  contact Dionne on 07815 206887.

ADVANCE NOTICE – Sunday May 7th Coronation Party at the Village Hall 12 noon – 6pm more information later.

Saturday 1st July FETE 2pm-5pm.




100 CLUB WINNERS for March :-1st  no 11 Ryan Fisher ; 2nd  no 8 Marion Graveson; 3rd  no 103 Nicki Fisher  .

The first meeting for this year’s Fete took place on 13th March – thank you to those who attended or sent ideas. Items will be needed for the ‘Grannies Attic’ stall  so if you are having a turn out please contact June on 770046 or Mary on 770242 as they can be stored in the Hall.

PCC Fundraising and Social Events:- 9th September BINGO; Quiz 11th November.

Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust – the sponsored Ride and Stride will take place on September 9th; it would be lovely to have more local riders so please start training; the back roads around the Benefice make a very pleasant ride for both old and young legs;  also the church will need to be welcoming on the day.

Please think about supporting this as the Trust has been very generous to St Johns with grants towards the spire, heating and roof recently; more information nearer the time.

ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING this will be on May 11th at 7.30pm in the Church.

Following the death of John Nicholls we have a vacancy on the PCC and really need more help. We meet 4 times a year, very convivially,  so it is not arduous and can be interesting.

Please come along to the Annual meeting and support your small but loyal Parochial Church Council who work so hard to keep our Church going.

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